Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Charles Raymond – Dear God (We’re Tired) - Gospel Vibes


                                     Charles Raymond – Dear God (We’re Tired) - Gospel Vibes 

Charles Raymond has released a new spoken word single titled “Dear God (We’re Tired)”.

Charles Raymond is a singer, an entrepreneur, a prolific writer and a spoken word artiste from Adamawa State Nigeria. This is his first official piece of spoken word poetry release online.

Listen and download:


LYRICS: Charles Raymond – Dear God (We’re Tired)


Dear God,

We’re tired.

We’re tired of shadowboxing every now and then without a touch of Divinity,

We’re tired and so we repent.

We’re tired.

We’re tired of seeing the Esthers, the Marys,the Deborahs, the Hannah’s and the Miriams of our time loosing sight of their divine offices in the name of generational trends and fashion and modelling and slaying but of no value in eternity….

we’re tired,and so we repent.

Are these what The Messiah died for? 

Lord we’re tired.

We’re tired of seeing the Isaiahs,the Jeremiahs, the Moses,the Johns,the Elijahs and the Enochs, roaming the streets and trying to fit into the party halls and forgetting their prophetic and apostolic mandates in the name of vibes and hypes just to feel belonged .

And so Daddy, please we repent.

We’re tired.

We’re tired of carrying the big Bibles up and down without the scriptures residing in our hearts,

We’re tired and so we repent.

We’re tired.

We’re tired of empty tongues without the fruit of the Holy Spirit getting ripe in our daily lives,

We’re tired,and so we repent

We’re tired.

We’re tired of hosting events and occasions here and there only to go back to our old ways….cos we’re sure, that no one encounters You remains the same.

we’re tired,and so we repent.

We’re tired.

We’re tired of the eye services which would never add a pinch of reward for us in Zion where the real records are kept.

we’re tired,and so we repent

Dear God,

We’re tired.

We’re tired of rating the places of worship based on their architecture and modernization and ignoring the fact that we’re the real vessels You’re coming into fill up!

We’re tired and so we repent.

We’re tired.

We’re tired of the hatreds and malice we harbour in our hearts only to dance to the offering boxes thinking we’re doing any good not knowing that we’re adding more fuel to the fire…..

Lord, we’re tired and so we repent.

Are these the reason The Lamb was slain?… 

We’re tired.

We’re tired of answering and bearing the big names on earth while the heavens can’t bear any witness of our relevance in it’s registers.

We’re tired, and so we repent.

We’re tired oh God.

Daddy we’re tired of being tossed to and  fro by sin like the wind on the sea waves.

We’re tired,and so we repent.

We’re tired.

we’re tired of sounding  so angelic amongst the brethren while in heaven we’re nothing but an empty gong. There must be a shift in this generation cos,

we’re tired and so we repent.

Father Lord

Father we’re tired of looking good on Sundays while the mind which was in Christ Jesus has no dwelling place in our hearts….

we’re tired , and so we repent.

tired of the firm grip of denominational hypocrisy while we fail to embrace the persona of The Messiah that saved us .

we’re tired and so we repent Oh Lord.

We’re tired, arhhhhh

We’re tired of wandering about our fate in You despite the assurances You’ve given us in Your word…. sorry for our ignorance but now, we’re tired… and so we repent.

We’re tired of the willingness to compromise Your standards because of tea and bread….. even when You said what shall it profit a man to gain the world and loose his soul 

We’re tired and so we repent please Lord.

The weight of the cross should be enough reason we should give up on this religious spirit and embrace  the substance of the great Rabbi! ahhh

We’re tired of dragging Your image an likeness into the mud instead of preserving it for Your glory… we’ve come please, wash us as white as snow cos we’re tired of this stain

we’re tired and so we repent.

We’re tired, we’re tired, we’re tired cos we’ve realized that it’s in You we live and move and have our being and outside You we’re nothing.

Create in me a clean heart oh Lord and renew the right spirit within me.

Charles Raymond


Facebook: Charles Raymond
Instagram: Charlesraymond247
Twitter: Charsty3830

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